Í’m working on a case involving some 30 franchises in the car paint protection business.
Each franchise will do a couple of cars each day and have between 2-5 staff members.
The traditional (Blippa) way would be to use 30 different security roles, paired with 30 admin pages for managing the staff members of each franchise,.
Since I’m a lazy guy, I prefer to keep things as simple as possible to make the maintenance of the system smooth.
So, we enhanced the functions with some new features:
- Manage Account Users
This is quite complicated, but the essence is that the Admin cannot manage any other users than users with the same Account Profile Variable value as the Admin. Also, when inviting new users, the variable will be set to the same as the Admin user. So, every franchise user will have the same security role but different profile variables. This will result in that only the cars belonging to the specific franchise is listed etc etc.
We also modified the Link function:
This will take the franchise user to the homepage of the specific franchise.
This means that the franchise staff member only has to go to the qr domain and select the franchise link button.
Same for all users; no unique pages are needed!
(But I admit, projects like these will probably need the help of our Professional Services Team.)